Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Editorial, "CHANGING POWER ALIGNMENTS," in LAW ANIMATED WORLD, 31 December 2020, Vol. 16, Part 2, No. 24 issue


in the international scenario, at so fast a pace, are alarming developments for peace and stability in the world. It is indeed very disturbing that the bright prospects of friendship and peace between us India and China indicated in the Modi-Xi Mahabalipuram talks in October 2019 changed so suddenly within 6-8 months due to the jingoist border policies/measures of the communal fanatic central government, perhaps in spite of Modi, to a serious conflict climate. Likewise the belligerent policies and measures of Trump, who unjustly makes China his ‘whipping boy’, have also, or in the main, contributed to a cold war situation with China and to an extent with Russia too. America, through Trump’s brash talk, but no less supported, and even exacerbated, by the ‘president-elect’ Biden’s aggressive postures, has been almost itching for a war with China, and started a serious trade war already with a number of sanctions, solely due to the jealousy of losing its status of the only superpower in the world due to China’s unparalleled growth in the last decade or so. It may also be noted that, despite Trump’s soft attitude, the American deep state has forced him into confrontation with Russia too and, instead of lifting the sanctions imposed by the Obama regime, he more vitiated the climate by his unwarranted support to Zionist chauvinism and the near terrorist tirade against Iran. Here too the Modi Government, with no discussion/debate at all in the Parliament, let alone in the public forums, has hastily shoved us into the US-NATO-Israel evil axis, shedding our traditional support to the just Palestinian causes in that most conflict-ridden region of the world. Now these fools have also forgone the bright prospects/profits we can have by shunning the recently concluded Asia-Pacific accord led by China, the world’s largest trade deal, in which many countries, even Australia and Japan, wisely joined. Instead they are egging on for a serious confrontation with China, by tagging our country to the warship of QUAD nations. Glad to note, however, that Russia and China have now joined hands for countering the imperialist, hegemonic frenzy of this evil axis, and for reshaping the world into a multi-polar, peace-loving union of diverse, self-respecting nations working for the cause of peace and welfare of entire humanity, and hope our people will also rise against the current bigot policies and measures of our government and join the tryst for such much-desired destiny. §§§

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