Well, it could very well be so. Especially if
one observes the almost free fall of the WTC 7 tower, not hit by any plane/body,
it appears as a controlled demolition and so the non-mentioning of even the
fact of its collapse in the 9/11 Commission Report, and ascribing of a silly
reason for the same in the NSIT Report which in its turn slighted the 9/11
Commission Report, surely indicates a massive cover-up by the then government
of America, which alas continues to this day. Many of us have all along opposed
American invasion of Iraq, on the allegations of Saddam Hussein’s belligerent
and harsh measures and his alleged possession of the so-called Weapons of Mass
Destruction, which ultimately proved fraudulent with not a single WMD found
anywhere but even so the Iraqi President, who might have been despotic in his
own country but was a rare secular Arab leader of the day, mercilessly executed
by a lackey government through a Kangaroo Court trial amidst worldwide
protests. But none of us had an inkling that the American extra-territorial
expansionist policy and measures could have been built on the basis of a
horrendous homicidal crime perpetrated on their own people through this 9/11
carnage, which, per what the 9/11 Truth movement or several war veterans/military-intelligence
officers of America now reveal and accuse, is certainly a dirty work of the
notorious Bush-Cheney gang then in power. Even the US
intervention in Afghanistan
was excessive and counter productive. Their recent intervention in Syria in aid
of the very al-Qaeda and other fundamentalist outfits and its proxy war on
Assad of Syria, another secular Arab leader, has generated the ‘Frankenstein
Monster’ of ISIS, a religious fanatic terrorist outfit whose atrocities are so horrendous.
It is a matter of utmost shame, even of grave crime, on the part of the US as also the developed
democracies of the West that they could not launch an effective criminal
investigation into this crime of the century with the UN also supine. We join
the voice of the 9/11 Truth Movement and demand an impartial and comprehensive
criminal inquiry into the 9/11 incidents, preferably through the United Nations,
by an international tribunal comprising of eminent jurists, lawyers, engineers
and other experts from all over the world to find out the real causes/ persons
responsible for this calamitous crime. §§§